About the company Gatex d.o.o.
O podjetju gatex
Podjetje Gatex d.o.o. je družinsko podjetje ustanovljeno leta 1996, ko je oče Zvonimir v svoji delavnici začel s proizvodnjo distančnikov iz mikroarmirane cementne mase (MCM). Z razvojem edinstvene tehnologije izdelovanja distančnikov iz MCM in tako proizvodnje visokokakovostnih končnih izdelkov se je podjetje uveljavilo in sodelovalo pri vseh pomembnejših gradbenih projektih v Sloveniji in mnogih projektih v državah bivše Jugoslavije.
In the year 2013, after finishing his chemistry studies, his son Simon decided to employ himself in the family company, despite the fact that the economic crisis at the time almost completely obliterated the field of construction. Under his fathers guidance he thoroughly familiarized himself with the entire production process and started taking over major tasks in the company, which he guides as a director to this day.
The production process of Gatex d.o.o. comprises in single, bar and tubular fibre reinforced concrete spacers as well as plugs, made from fibre reinforced concrete that are used for finishing exposed concrete walls.
Company leadership